Are You Feeling Tired, Stressed out, or Sore?
Almost everyone agrees a good massage feel great - but what you might not realize is how good a regular massage is for your overall health. Did you know that massage can improve your performance, lengthen the time between your chiropractic visits, aid in recovery, help prevent and eliminate injuries, reduce stress and even enhance metabolism and circulation!
The reason you feel different after a massage is because it is healing and invigorating tired, aching or injured muscles. Massage increases blood land lymph circulation. Lymph is a fluid that rids body tissues of waste, is dependent on the squeezing effect of muscles. An active person has better lymph flow than an inactive person. However, stimulation from vigorous activity can lead to increased waste, which can negate the benefit. This is where massage has a huge advantage. Massage can dramatically aid lymph movement, which together with blood, supplies nutrients and oxygen and rids wastes and toxins. It is easy to understand why good circulation is so important to our health and why massage can be so beneficial just for this purpose.
Massage Has so Many Health Benefits:
- Increases the blood's oxygen capacity by 10-15%
- Helps loosen contracted, shortened muscles and stimulate weak, flaccid muscles. This muscle "balancing" can even help posture and promote more efficient movement;
- Speeds recovery from exercise-induced fatigue;
- Increase production of gastric juices, saliva and urine;
- Increase excretion of nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, and sodium chloride (salt). This suggests that the metabolic rate increases;
- Balance the nervous system by soothing or stimulating it, depending on which effect is needed;
- Improves function of the oil and sweat glands that lubricate, clean and cool the skin. Though, inflexible skin can become softer and more supple;
- Indirectly or directly stimulating nerves the supply internal organs can dilate the organs' blood vessels, improving blood supply.
Experience the Many Benefits of Massage - Call to Schedule Now: